Cannnonn Ball!!!

This was perfect. Loved every darn second (OK maybe not every second like the ones when my tush was a frozen butt-sickle, or screaming in pain!!). My commitment to and fondness of the longer more meandering hikes just got it’s butt kicked to the curb. Cannon was a hike that left me on cloud 9 (is that still a term?!) and reconsidering my love for the direct approach.  This was straight up with the crazy views, fabulous trail conditions, deep blues and sunny weather, and steady heart pounding for a good 2 miles up. Perfecto!!!! 🙂

I honestly didn’t plan on hiking anything much more than the  flat pavement outside my driveway, or maybe a possible hike up onto the seat of my bike. Last week for whatever reason (still to be determined) threw me for a loop. My knee basically had me considering if it was time for that replacement the Dr mentioned… and my body overall was just not a happy camper (OMG – is it weird I say anything with ‘camp’ and it makes me think I cant wait for CAMPING!!!!!) with the aches and pains.


I tried to take it easy this week in hopes of making the mountains doable for this weekend, and it actually worked. All that time sitting my ass on a stationary bike this week paid off when we pulled into the lot, ready and excited to climb!! I fully acknowledge keeping me still is like keeping Wyatt away from squirrels, frozen brown stinky nuggets, and dead rotting animals. Good luck with that.

Come Friday night I was feeling much better – Cannon it is! This is considered a moderate hike, with a few options to summit. Most folks know Cannon as one of the better NH ski spots. It’s situated right in Franconia Notch, so whether you’re skiing, or hiking, or screaming down the mountain belly laughing butt sledding, you pretty much have a breath taking view most of your venture.

Our approach was to take Kinsman Ridge from the Tramway up, and then reassess at the summit – Our options; continue to rest of the Cannon Balls, go back the way we came, try to butt sled down the Tramway, or walk down the ski trails. We landed in a hosh posh of the last two 🙂

So to start – for you hiking fools, park in the Tramway lot, not the ski area (I have to think I wasn’t the only one that almost made that mistake). The trail is up a little road that goes to the left of the parking area (if you’re looking at the mountain). This trail does not mess around and gets right to it – incline-city baby! You’re basically switch-backing the entire way up to + 4000 feet – mind you its about 2 miles – so it’s a whole lotta pack for the punch (waka waka). While you’re huffing and puffing your way up the  strong inclined trail with lots of blow downs – you cant help but continuously turn around to take in the crazy views .

I would say for a large majority of the hike if you look right – you’re getting some insane views that oddly at the same time set your heart at ease while also making it pound out of your chest.


2 miles of this pretty much till you hit the plateau – and there it is just past the clearing – Franconia Notch!!! OHHHHMERRRRGEHD. As you walk to the open ledge, it feels like its right there in front of you – Enormous and encompassing – almost feels like you want to reach out and touch it !! Off to the distance as far as you can see, are mountains. This shit is good for your soul. Take it all in 🙂


It was so clear we actually saw the spot in VT we’re heading camping this summer – Lake Willoughby. Close to East Burke – that Glacier formation stood out and its how many miles away?! Have to add, as much as I hate that highway – kinda cool to see how it zigs and zags its way around and through all those mountains.


It’s at this point you can also see where you’re headed. The tower on the summit is within view. YAY!! From here you’re up and down a bit along the ledge till you come to another opening which is actually the ski trail – from what another group told us as we hit the summit, this was not the actual trail – someone had bushwhacked through the snow creating a more direct route to the summit.  We were SO OK with that – those views are just something you cant get sick of.


And there it is – the ski trail!! If you’re doing this in the summer, perfect.  No worries – the mountain is your oyster. However while Cannon is in full swing at this time  – you’re at the skiers whim. The trail actually cuts across the ski trail – twice. You walk past the summit lodge and get to smell all the burgers and fries and hear the music and peeps in the lodge sucking back drinks (fair point – you’re just assuming at this point cold, hungry and feeling like you’ve earned a damn good marg!!! Jealous!!!).

Continue on and there it is – the tower!! Holy crap – climb it. Winter, summer or spring – get your ass up those 3 levels to take in the views. Stupendous. Amazing. Ahhhhh…. This is what its about.


We hung out here as long as our fingies would allow – that wind was RIPPING!! We (I) decided not to go on to Cannon Balls – with the knee and how perfect it all had been so far (AKA I hadnt had to call for rescue) – best to take the amazingness and scoot!!


We headed down the Tram way – here was A LOT of laughing and butt sledding – slipping and sliding and of course oooooohing and ahhhhing from the ski bunnies over the two yellow monsters.


So here it he deal or those in the winter wondering about either hiking down, butt sledding down, or getting down with dogs… HOLY SHITE. Those trails on the tram way don’t mess around. There were points I had to literally shimmy down backwards. There were a few times I was butt sledding and seriously felt like Clark Griswold on the metal sled with no way of stopping!!!


The way down may for a funny, windy, tricky, hold onto your goods kinda way down.

This hike all in all made its way to being one of my favorites yet. It gets to the point – gets it done and then you can laugh and scream your way down (winter) …


cannon route






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