ME                   chocura

As many have told me –  I am probably not your typical girl. Dad never had boys, so my sister and I were kind of his little boy creations. A unique breed with a love of getting dirty, camping, sports, fishing, playing outside, motorcycles, etc… Along with Mom’s input of nice pretty things and a bit of city girl…


I have always loved being outside more than your average bear, starting  early with 4-wheeling and fishing with the guys. But, it seems that over the past 5 years, I would say I have found even more of an appreciation and love of it, an actual need for it. I crave it when I go more than a few days (2 is plenty) without some kind of outside activity. I relate it to any other ‘vice’ or sense of good feeling – the more you have of it, the more you want it. Dont get me wrong, after 4 days of camping,  I want a nice clean toilet!

cropped-majo-gun.jpgblog-random-pics2016-2The Healthy obsession comes from a time in my 20’s when I didn’t take such good care of myself, eating/drinking/exercise, etc… I had to learn the hard way that changing my lifestyle to a healthier approach only made me happier, which I think in part made me a better person. A good reminder to those just starting their healthy, active lifestyle –  it doesn’t come quickly or easily, so patience grasshopper.


We live in southern NH – close to lakes, beach and mountains. I have my crazy family that I absolutely adore close by. They are everything. They are the constant reminder to be be careful, and in all these adventures,  not take (too many) risks … Love them for that. Drive me crazy, but wouldn’t trade them for the world.

And then we have WYATT. My love.

My little handsome-pants, my partner in crime, mommies boy… He is a Yellow Lab that is just the happiest, sweetest, most loving, goofy thing alive.

Wyatt cairn

There are few adventures without him by my side!! Except on the bike; haven’t yet invested in a sidecar for him due to his pure obsession and risk of death to get, yes, a squirrel. However, hiking and all other fun, he is by my side. We did run into something called EIC (exercise induced collapse), so now we have to plan our adventures accordingly (separate post on that)…   But we wont get started on that here… For anyone considering bringing a pup into the family – it changes your world so incredibly much for the better. There are few places I would rather be, then on the trail, or out swimming somewhere, with my Little Man. Of course other than on my BIKE!!

He’s always ready for our next adventure –  whatever Mommy has planned – hopefully with some mud or water and a nice nap after! wyatt sleet


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