

I eat pretty much meat and veggies <insert Tool Man Taylor Grunt>! I hope this site can offer you  lots of ideas for healthy and tasty food! Have to be honest; most of what you will see are just ideas are a starting point. My hope is that you can let your mind and taste buds do the rest of the work. I have never,  in my whole life been able to follow a recipe. I may start from one, or get some great idea from something I see, but then a little of this is added, and a little of that doesn’t go in…. and wa-la, we have a new creation.That’s part of the fun.

I operate off the idea if you are going to play hard, you must replenish and put stuff back in that not only tastes amazing, but also adds to your health. This means organic, high protein, high veggie intake, and believe it or not, it actually tastes damn good.

Sometimes our creations are a success, other times we gag a little (or make others! ha) – but its fun to try new things!! I hope you can apply the same concept.


You will find new fun ‘foodie’ stuff to try… I LOVE LOVE LOVE trying new things; sauces, hiking snacks, spices, etc. So let me be your guinea pig!! Or at least give you some ideas to play with! If you see something you have questions on, or had a suggestion to, PLEASE send my way! Happy adventures in the kitchen!



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