Kindness – Sprinkle the chit on everything :-)


Did you do your good today? Mom sent us a video the other night. A lot of the stuff she sends I don’t always pay attention to (love you Momma!!). What that means is I don’t look at any of it because its news stories about the crazies in the world, with her well intended concerned Momma Bear way, I know she’s just trying to remind me why I need to be careful (and reconsider!) these solo adventures. This time though, the message is one I paid attention to. It was a reminder that for all the crazies, there is also good.  Look for the good. Be the good. And since she sent it, the meaning behind it and the goodness seems to keep showing its kind, loving, sweet little head over and over. It’s funny how sometimes the universe just tosses something at you over and over like it wants you to pay attention. Usually it’s screaming at you (or in this case singing you a nice little happy jam like Jack Johnson or some Leon Bridges). Not sure yet why, but this Kindness juju is all over the place in front of me recently. I just keep hearing that little old lady in the Franks Red Hot commercial – “put that shit on everything”.  haha. It’s everywhere and I LOVE IT!!!!! So thought I’d keep it going. Heck if just even one of you does a little extra something as a result of this, its one extra good that will then be paid forward. Kindness is like those little gremlins – its just keeps multiplying. So, SPREAD THAT CHIT EVERYWHERE.

So Mom’s video  was just the reinforcement to what began while camping solo the first time in Acadia. I started this book (Random Acts of Kindness ) and I would read a few stIMG_3004ories before bed each night; I know you all think I am like Superwoman and never get scared of doing all this stuff alone (HA!!!!), but being alone in a new place can be a little sketchy at first. Just a story or two, and I would be reminded of all the good that exists, and I would fall asleep smiling feeling safe (my gun and attack dog did help a little- but this sealed the deal :-)).

This book covers it all. And reminds us it can be so small to you. So minimal in your day, like taking the extra minute to chat when you’re in a hurry, for the sole reason to be the conversation and smile in a lonely old man’s day. It’s being the funny and kind customer to the lady behind the counter who you didn’t know is on her 2nd job of the day busting her ass to make ends meet as a single mom; the one that hasn’t heard a ‘thank you’ all day. Even the simplest act of smiling at the person driving by you, who you don’t know is heading to a huge interview with a belly full of butterflies, or just had a huge blow out with their spouse – that small little smile you gave them, just put their mind at ease. It’s all good. Everything is going to be OK. What seem like tiny little efforts in such a grand scheme of life are … So small, yet so big.IMG_3543IMG_3180It all brings me back to a moment maybe 3 weeks ago, about 2 weeks after my last day of work. It had been raining almost constantly since the last day. All that fun exploring I did this for, was not happening as planned.  I was having a day of ‘WTF have I done’. Bummed. Walking Wyatt that AM, the sun had started to peak out just a smidge. I remember seeing the sun, smiling and looking down at Wyatt laughing (yes I was talking to him too). At that moment an old man drove by me. He saw me smiling, bent down and talking to Wyatt, and he just broke out in a smile ear to ear, and waved. It was so small. It was so sweet (no he wasn’t a perv!!!). Seeing us smiling making him smile, I thought ‘its all good’…. And just smiled bigger, and as I walked on, the thoughts started rolling that its only the beginning of our time off and adventuring, the sun will come out!!! So much fun awaits. Life is good. I have no idea who he was. Just random smiles exchanged. But that day, that moment, it stands out. And I needed it.

IMG_3541All this good doing the jig around me, and to top it off, this AM I was doing laundry when something fell out of one of the pockets. I thought it was a quarter, but soon realized, it was the medal someone from work gave me before I left. It’s one of those religious medals. I didn’t see her often, but every time I saw her, I could just tell her heart was sweet. My last week when I was telling her of my plans to go off adventuring with Wyatt, we shared some stories and well wishes and a goodbye, but she shortly came back down to the conference room and handed me a medal. She explained it would keep me safe on my travels and that she wanted me to have it and take it with me. I tried telling her I didn’t feel right taking her medal, although a sweet gesture, I didn’t want to take it from her! she insisted. Saying she wanted me to have it. That medal, I can tell you, every time I see it, every time I think of it. I will smile. And be ever so grateful for her act of kindness. Nothing to do with religion, solely her kindness and the good she shared, the positive and sweet in the world she fostered. I will carry with me thanks to her.


Dude we’re on a ‘good’ roll – so why would I be shocked to find a new amazing and favorite show. This is Us.  Not a big TV person and the extent of my watching a series starts and ends at Chopped. But this show, only 4 epidotes in. ADORE. This show is good. Good in that its an amazing show, it makes you laugh, cry, smile. And it makes you think about good. Want to do good. Warms your heart.

So. Do good each day. Pay it forward. Take the time to stand out as the good. Leave people feeling that they are important. Make the effort to bring someone a smile. Don’t every forget that even just the smallest act of kindness in your day, can be the largest impact in another’s life.IMG_3546






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